Divorce and Death: Planning for Life’s Toughest Transitions

What do divorce and death have in common? More than you might think. In this episode of "Death, Dying & The Digital Age," I was joined by Catherine and Karen from My Divorce Solution to explore the unexpected intersections between end-of-life planning and navigating divorce in our digital era. From cryptocurrency and intellectual property to forgotten beneficiaries and complex retirement accounts, discover why preparation is crucial in both life transitions. Learn why "for better or worse" doesn't mean accepting purposeful neglect, and hear thought-provoking insights about how older adults are redefining relationships in their golden years. Whether you're married, divorced, or single, this conversation reveals essential strategies for protecting your digital legacy and financial future, proving that knowledge truly is power when it comes to life's most challenging transitions. Find Catherine and Karen at mydivorcesolution.com and on LinkedIn

About This Video

What do divorce and death have in common? More than you might think. In this episode of "Death, Dying & The Digital Age," I was joined by Catherine and Karen from My Divorce Solution to explore the unexpected intersections between end-of-life planning and navigating divorce in our digital era. From cryptocurrency and intellectual property to forgotten beneficiaries and complex retirement accounts, discover why preparation is crucial in both life transitions. Learn why "for better or worse" doesn't mean accepting purposeful neglect, and hear thought-provoking insights about how older adults are redefining relationships in their golden years. Whether you're married, divorced, or single, this conversation reveals essential strategies for protecting your digital legacy and financial future, proving that knowledge truly is power when it comes to life's most challenging transitions.

Find Catherine and Karen at mydivorcesolution.com and on LinkedIn


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