Strategies for Protecting Your Online Assets After Death
In today's digital age, our online presence has become an integral part of our lives. But what happens to our digital footprint when we're no longer here? On this week’s episode of Death and Dying in the Digital Age, I got to speak with tech expert Jacki Roach.

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In today's digital age, our online presence has become an integral part of our lives. But what happens to our digital footprint when we're no longer here? On this week’s episode of Death and Dying in the Digital Age, I got to speak with tech expert Jacki Roach.
Jacki Roach brings her unique perspective. With a background in traditional media, specifically newspapers, Roach witnessed firsthand the industry's digital transformation. This led her to look deeper into the world of technology, particularly blockchain and digital assets. Her experience managing her late father's digital presence further fueled her interest in digital legacy planning.
As we navigate the complexities of the digital world, it's becoming increasingly important to consider what happens to our online assets after we're gone. From social media accounts to cryptocurrencies, our digital footprint is vast and valuable. In this blog post, we'll explore four key strategies for preserving your digital legacy and ensuring your online assets are protected long after you're gone.
Your Digital Legacy in Perspective
Few of us could have predicted the extent to which our lives would become intertwined with the digital world in the early days of the internet. Over the years, many of us have accumulated numerous email accounts, social media profiles, and other online assets. These digital assets form a significant part of our legacy, yet they're often overlooked in traditional estate planning.
Our digital footprint extends far beyond just our social media accounts. It includes our online banking information, digital photos and videos, personal blogs, professional websites, and even our digital currency holdings. Each of these assets holds value, whether sentimental or financial, and deserves consideration in our legacy planning.
The rise of artificial intelligence and digital avatars presents new challenges and considerations. There's now the possibility of AI recreating people based on their social media presence. This raises important questions about how we want to be remembered and represented after we're gone. Do we want a digital version of ourselves to live on, or would we prefer our online presence to fade away with us?
Navigating the "Zombie Web" and Ghost Accounts
One of the most intriguing concepts is the "zombie web" and ghost accounts. These terms refer to the digital remnants we leave behind—accounts that remain active long after we stop using them or even after we pass away.
The zombie web is a collection of dormant accounts, outdated information, and digital debris that continues to exist on servers around the world. This digital clutter not only takes up space but can also pose security risks. Ghost accounts, on the other hand, are accounts that can be taken over and used maliciously after the original owner has passed away.
To combat these issues, it's crucial to regularly audit your digital presence. This means:
- Reviewing all your online accounts
- Closing or deleting accounts you no longer use
- Updating privacy settings on active accounts
- Considering the use of a password manager to keep track of all your accounts
By actively managing your digital presence, you can reduce the risk of your information being misused after you're gone and ensure that your digital legacy accurately reflects your wishes.
Web3 and Blockchain Technology
As we look to the future of digital asset management, Web3 and blockchain technology offer promising solutions. These technologies give users more control over their data and digital assets.
Web3, often referred to as the next evolution of the internet, promises to shift the power dynamics of data ownership. Unlike the current model, where large corporations own and control user data, Web3 aims to give individuals sovereignty over their own data. This could revolutionize how we manage our digital assets, both during our lifetime and after.
Blockchain technology, which underpins cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, offers a secure and transparent way to manage digital assets. With blockchain, you can have full ownership and control over your digital assets without relying on a centralized authority. This is particularly important when it comes to legacy planning, as it allows for a more seamless transfer of digital assets to your heirs.
Practical Strategies for Digital Asset Protection
While cutting-edge technologies like blockchain offer exciting possibilities for the future, there are also practical steps you can take today to protect your digital assets. In the podcast, Jacki Roach shares several strategies that are both effective and accessible.
One of the most important steps is to appoint a digital executor. This person should be tech-savvy and trustworthy, capable of managing your digital assets according to your wishes after you're gone. They should be given clear instructions on how to access your accounts and what to do with each of them.
Another crucial aspect is the secure storage of your passwords and access information. While digital password managers are convenient, Roach suggests that good old-fashioned pen and paper can still be one of the most secure methods. Some people go to extreme lengths to protect their digital asset information, such as carving seed phrases (used to access cryptocurrency wallets) onto metal plates and storing them in safety deposit boxes.
It's also important to regularly review and update your digital asset inventory. This includes not just your social media accounts and email but also any digital currencies, online businesses, or other valuable digital assets you may own. Regular maintenance of your digital presence can prevent the accumulation of zombie accounts and ensure that your digital legacy remains current and manageable.
Securing Your Digital Legacy
Our digital legacy is a significant part of our overall legacy in today's world. The digital footprints we leave behind can have lasting impacts, both on our loved ones and on how we're remembered. It's crucial that we take proactive steps to manage and protect our digital assets.
Here are some key actions you can take today to start securing your digital legacy:
- Create a comprehensive inventory of your digital assets
- Appoint a tech-savvy digital executor
- Regularly review and clean up your online accounts
- Implement secure storage methods for your passwords and access information
- Consider incorporating digital assets into your will or estate plan
- Stay informed about new technologies and best practices in digital asset management
In the digital age, planning your legacy is about more than just physical assets. Your online presence, your digital creations, and your virtual assets all form part of the legacy you'll leave behind. By taking control of your digital legacy now, you can ensure that your wishes are respected and your digital assets are protected long after you're gone.
Don't leave any pieces of your legacy to chance. As a next step, you can start and develop your plan by downloading the app, My Final Playbook. Through this app, you'll be able to start and learn how to organize your legal, financial, physical, and digital assets today.
In the digital age, planning your legacy is just a click away. Until then, keep your password safe and your playbook up to date.
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